Things are progressing well at Europe’s spaceport in French Guiana where the Sentinel-2B satellite is being prepared for liftoff on 7 March at 02:49 CET (6 March 22:49 local time).

Positioning Sentinel-2B for launcher fit check. (ESA)
After being taken out of its transport container, positioned for testing and connected to its electrical support equipment, the satellite has already been through its first functional test. This first test showed that both the Sentinel-2B satellite and its multispectral instrument are all in good order.

Carefully checking that Sentinel-2B fits its launch adapter. (ESA)
In addition, the team has also done the ‘launch adapter fit check’, which is to make sure that the satellite actually fits the Vega rocket adapter and confirms that everything is aligned. This too went well.
Next on the ‘to do’ list was to inspect the multispectral imager’s cavity, which is being carried out at the moment.
In parallel, the first stage of Vega has been brought to the launch site.

Pasta all round – happy birthday Paolo! (ESA)
It hasn’t been all work work work for the team though. It was ESA’s launch campaign manager, Paolo Laberinti’s, birthday at the weekend – and he invited everyone to a pasta party – what else, he’s Italian!

Swamp boat tour. (ESA)
And, during their day off on Sunday, the team took in the local sites with a boat tour though the swamps, during which they were lucky enough to see some caimans … careful there!

Local wildlife – caimans. (ESA)
From the ESA launch campaign team in Kourou.
Read more about the Sentinel-2 mission
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