From Dirk (ESA) – Carbonexp campaign, Greece, 31 August

Dirk on aircraft next to monitoring screens

Dirk on aircraft next to monitoring screens

We are just back from our first flight chasing aerosols. The flight took 5 hours and 1 minute, to be exact.

We were able to take off at 12:12 (local time) and precisely followed the flight path we had worked out. In the debriefing meeting the mission scientist, Dave Kindred, gave the flight 7 out of 10 points. So, for a first flight it went pretty well, but there is still room for improvement.

We gathered a lot of data and hope we had a good match with the GOSAT satellite orbiting above. There was little cloud and we had some nice variations in the aerosol layers over land, which seemed to be relatively stable.

As soon as I have some first results I will put them on the blog.

Unfortunately, I am not allowed to take pictures around the aircraft because the military is operating here at the moment. However, more information about the aircraft can be found at: