Eoin Macdonald-Nethercott, ESA-sponsored medical-doctor in Concordia in 2010-2011, shared advice on how to take photographs at -60°C. These are extracted from the “Concordia ESA Human Behaviour and Performance Training for Concordia Over-Winterers Participants’ Reference Handbook”
Performance in the cold is variable. At minus 30, your camera will operate normally, but the batteries will cool down and only work for around two hours. Wind will not make much difference. Below minus 60, your batteries will last 45 minutes if the air is still, and perhaps only ten minutes in a wind of 10m/s. But at this temperature, the LCD on your camera will slow down and stop working in around 1 hour after you expose it to the cold, and wind will affect it the same way. . And the batteries start cooling from the minute you leave the station, not the point you start using the camera. Putting handwarmer sachets in the camera bag do help a little.
Below -50 degrees C, the part of the camera that fails most quickly in the cold are the manually operated wheels you have on your camera to adjust settings, such as exposure/ISO settings. So set your camera to what you want before you leave the station if you can, or straight away on setting up the photo, and don’t try to change it after the first few minutes of exposure to the cold. As the parts freeze the sensors don’t work and it’s increasingly impossible to actually set to the settings you want. Furthermore, it’s better to avoid using wheels once the camera gets cold because if the moving parts break as they become fragile, your camera would be ruined. Digital buttons to change the settings are less likely to break, so it might be worth looking for a camera without any moving adjuster wheels.
It’s definitely worth bringing UV filters to protect your lenses. One saved my good lens when I dropped it. For landscapes, don’t bother with a polarising filter as the intensity from the snow or water is the same as from the sky, so all they do in Antarctica is lengthen the exposure time, but they may still be useful for portraits outdoors, if you are skilled in using them.
People have in years gone by built heated boxes to keep cameras warm outside for time lapse photography using triggering devices, or long exposure photos of the night sky, with superb results. But, be careful with time lapse photography. It makes the camera take a lot of photos. One previous winteroverer wore out his only camera within a month of start by simply taking too many photos!
During the summer months, never take you lens cap off with bare hands, always wear some thin cotton gloves on for that. Because sooner or later you’ll get the sunscreen on your fingertips smeared onto your lens, which will cause terrible sunlight artefact over every photo afterwards.
You do need a good tripod for photography through the winter, a) because they all need long exposures in the darkness and b) because as the camera body cools down to -50 degrees C the less you have to touch it the longer your fingers stay warm.
Discussion: 6 comments
Heat-strips (anti-condensers used with telescopes and such) and a purpose made camera-glove (sleepbag for the camera) will help allot for duration and battery lifetime.
you won’t see much of the changes you make, that has to be on feeling.
Jehannus Ros
If your camera not in use, keep your battery pack in a warm packet to keep it temperate for to maintain the volts have. For the camera, just to make sure that wrap it I moisture condenses bag if not in use.
How do you keep the lens from frosting over? When I visit northern Minnesota in the winters where it sometimes gets 30 and even 40 below, my lens first fogs up and then frosts over, leaving the camera useless. Perhaps the humidity is higher?
You are correct, the humidity at Concordia is extremely low. Crew often suffer from dry eyes, chapped lips and sore throats. Most Concordia crewmembers sleep with a humidifier in their room. It is likely that their is simply not enough humidity in the air to fog the lens.
There is have a problem with the DSLR camera in cold areas?
Of course, the camera is a Pentax DSLR