Cavenauts on day 3. From left: NASA’s Jessica Meir, ESA’s Pedro Duque, taikonaut Ye Guangfu, cosmonaut Sergei Korsakov, NASA’s Ricky Arnold and Japanese astronaut Aki Hoshide. Credits: ESA–V. Crobu
The whole crew returned to the Campsite in Sa Grutta after an amazing day of exploration. In the evening communication with ground control it seemed that they had the most successful and fascinating day so far. The support staff also slept at the campsite.
During the Daily Planning Conference NASA astronaut and cavenaut commander for the second part of the mission Ricky Arnold reported a truly wonderful day 4 in Sa Grutta, probably the best since the expedition started on 1 July. The daily exploration led the cavenauts beyond advanced camp to a little spring and to marvelous unexplored environments. All the planned science consisting of biology, microbiology, water a ampling and analysis was completed and the “ground team” scientists are looking forward to receive the data.
The photo documentation and a video log will hopefully be available tomorrow to reconstruct the journey to the farthest frontier of this 2016 CAVES expedition.
Food resupply
Just as on the International Space Station fresh food and supplies arrive at set intervals. A four-person support team arrived with the supplies to the campsite and returned topside with small items and waste from the previous day.
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